Nuclear waste surge

Agency: Fukushima workers urgently trying “to prevent groundwater from leaking into ocean” — Levels of nuclear waste surge next to sea — Strontium-90 shatters previous record by over 5 Billion Bq/m3 — Now 25 million times EPA limit



 And the Theatrics go on! Won’t be much longer until TEPCO, and the leadership of the other countries are forced to tell the Truth-

No One on the Fukushima Diachii site pumping out ground water or doing anything else!

Won’t be too much longer that you are buying wild caught seafood of any kind either, and when the phytoplankton populations decline below 35% or so you won’t have too much longer to breathe!

LOL! The Hopi Prophecy and quite a few others as well, are unfolding in your lifetime and right in front of you and none but a few see it.

Pretending it is not happening is not going to make it go away, one maybe two generations left of Homo-Retardo and the other Entities in this Universe and the entire Cosmos are relieved and quite pleased that this failed experiment on Planet Earth is coming to a well deserved end, although the loss of all those other species is quite sad, but this had to be an all or nothing deal to save everything else.